Wow, I cannot cease to be amazed at the condition of this quite ancient vehicle, cutely named ‘Trabant’ A sturdy 4 seater, 2 stroke vehicle, German made and still to be seen smoking the roads of Bulgaria.
A very popular Bulgarian vehicle and by far my favorite of all the ancient Bulgarian vehicles.
The Trabant wasn’t really a paper mache vehicle, but paper was often used in its construction.
Born in 1957, the number of Trabants made reached almost 4 million by early 1991!
Here are a small collection of Trabants I have seen driving around locally. They include :
The Trabant who wants to be a tree!
The Trabant pick up – custom made conversion!
A Trabant with a roof rack!
and the super speedy Trabant that actually overtook me before I sped up to grab the photos of it’s happy occupants!

Overtaken by a Trabant!
Two stroke Trabant

the happy Trabant owner
Very smoky indeed!

I was left in a mound of smoke!
and there is an estate Trabant up in town, will grab the photo next time I am up there